Sunday, 24 August 2014

Life and Death

Life, oh the beautiful life
begins with smile
on the lips of the sweet baby
who accepts the world
with innocent ignorance
of future much awaited

As a child, we take first step
on this bridge between life and death
With no expectation,
we make sweet and bitter mistakes

Learning is our main goal
Curiousity to explore
leads us to unravel
the truth of life
which is actually lie

People enter and disappear
into our life like chapters
in this story of life
Some support
And some betray
but the true test comes
when death arrives

We learn to love,
We learn to hate
We learn to forgive,
We learn to detest
But in the end
we forget the essence
that was with us
during our first day
of our life

Death is inevitable
It can be soft and subtle
Or hard and rough
As we are nearing the end of the bridge,
we look back
at the journey behind
with hope and regrets
of leaving dear ones behind.

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