Thursday 30 April 2020

An Old fetish

He watches with wide eyes,
That delicate juicy jalebis,
On the big TV screen,
Displaying continuous commercial ads.

His mouth slurps,
His heart longs,
For one small bite,
Of his favorite sweet.

The sweet smell,
Of freshly fried jalebis,
Lingers in his mind,
While he watches the commercial ad.

He turns his gaze,
To his loving daughter,
Working on her laptop,
With two minds,
On how to share his desire. 

He remembers the good old days,
At the sweet shop few blocks away,
Where he would endlessly stare,
At that delicate juicy jalebis,
And bring home many boxes of them.

Suddenly bell rings,
His daughter opens the door,
Gets a familiar looking box,
And serves it on a plate,
For overly excited him.

Farmer’s pride

The farmer stares, At open skies, Hopelessly searching, For fluffy thick clouds. To his dismay, The sky is blue, The sun is out, Shining sha...