Friday 16 November 2018

The Ego Cell

The soul is trapped,
Under the layers,
Of apprehensive mind,
Of false judgement,
Of silly misunderstandings,
Of boastful self,
In this wretched ego cell.

Relationships are broken,
Families depart,
Lovers drift,
Friendships are lost,
And soul becomes lonely,
In this wretched ego cell.

Selfishness replaces kindness,
Hatred replaces love,
Head weight replaces giving nature,
Materialistic attitude replaces spirituality.
And negativity takes over,
In this wretched ego cell.

Mind is involved,
In juicy gossips,
In belittling others,
In proving one's worth,
In strategies to bring others down
And everything wrong.

Exaggeration of one's talent,
'I' is more important,
Success becomes obsession,
Everyone becomes problem,
More is less,
And nothing seems good.

When one accepts their flaws,
When one learns to forgive,
When one puts 'us' before 'I',
When  less is more than enough,
Will the soul free itself,
From the wretched ego cell.

Farmer’s pride

The farmer stares, At open skies, Hopelessly searching, For fluffy thick clouds. To his dismay, The sky is blue, The sun is out, Shining sha...