Thursday 12 September 2019

Smoggy skies

I wake up in morning,
To sky that seems foggy,
I open the window,
Waiting to feel cool wind blow,
To my dismay,
it's just hot air.

The sky is dull,
Like cold November in London,
With sun missing in action,
And birds chirping in morning.

It's like summer in winter morning,
Dull but not cold,
With air covered in smoke,
Dust and polluted particles.

Where does this dusty wind come from?
You may ask,
Is it from the burning of garbage dump nearby,
Or from the forest fires faraway?

Whatever it may be,
Our world is burning,
By global warming,
As we sit in man made safe heaven.

Sea level is increasing,
Wild animals are dying,
Forests are turning into ashes,
And if we don't act now,
Life will come to an end,
And world will become barren.

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