Thursday 19 December 2019

Little Fawn and Her Adventures

Little fawn stood next to her mom,
Drinking the sight of her new surroundings,
That is peaceful and calm.

Suddenly a wasp appeared from nowhere,
Attracting little fawn's attention,
Who hasn't seen anything like that anywhere.

She peered carefully,
At every movement of the wasp,
Unaware that she had strayed away from her pack steadily.

The wasp disappeared into bush,
A lioness appeared instead of tiny wasp,
Looking scary and huge.

With eyes closed tight,
Little fawn screamed,
While she shivered in fright.

Suddenly herd of mumbling buffaloes arrived,
Seeing them, lioness ran away,
Leaving the little fawn relieved,
In safe custody of her Uncle Buffalo and his herd.

Thursday 12 December 2019


Across few blocks,
Stands tall and colossal,
A building named The Royal,
Which is home to a girl with coffee colored locks,
Unassuming and Docile.

She watches out of her window,
Staring blankly at sky,
That is clear and sunny,
While she dreams on things to do,
If she had wings to fly.

She would soar up,
Away from the silly world,
That laughs at her every flaw and blunder,
And makes her feel want to give up,
On dreams she had carefully stitched.

She would spread,
Love and Joy,
To places ripped,
By war and misery,
Conflicts and poverty.

She would remove,
Fears and insecurity,
Engulfing everybody,
And instill in them hopes,
To fly high.

Thursday 5 December 2019

Weekday Blues

Every week, it's same old thing,
'Mondays bring no joy', we sing,
While Tuesdays ,Wednesdays and Thursdays seem bearable,
But during Friday evenings, our patience level seem negligible,
Waiting for the weekend to spring.

Farmer’s pride

The farmer stares, At open skies, Hopelessly searching, For fluffy thick clouds. To his dismay, The sky is blue, The sun is out, Shining sha...