Friday 7 December 2018


Mind is always full,
With thoughts of yesterday,
As well as the plans for next day,
While we forget what day is today.

Mind manipulates,
And plays games,
Of what may happen,
When it might not happen.

Mind controls us,
Makes us anxious,
Makes us fearful,
By recalling the past,
And hindering our growth.

Mind agitates us,
Reminding us painful experiences,
Shutting the bright present,
That is present before us.

Lets be mindful,
Of where we are,
What we are doing,
Bring closure to past,
Welcoming the present.

Lets be mindful,
Of negative reactions,
Those painful experiences,
And what stores in future.

Lets be present,
Solve the current problems,
Stop fretting about 'next'.
And take everything as it comes.

1 comment:

Farmer’s pride

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